Vision & Mission
Becoming a leading Faculty of Art & Design that produces graduates who are creative, competent, and have international insight in the field of Information and Communication Technology (ICT)-based Art & Design, have an entrepreneurial spirit, and have noble character.
The Faculty of Arts and Design aspire to become an excellent faculty internationally and to be known globally.
The Faculty of Arts & Design’s vision is oriented toward the future to have graduates who can compete globally/internationally and as future generations of change which are not only limited to the national but also international scope.
The ICT field has affected all aspects of human life and developed rapidly, thus is much needed by the industry. The Faculty of Arts & Design’s vision has flexibility and is open to making adjustments to ICT scientific developments, thus will always follow ICT development trends.
The Faculty of Arts & Design’s vision defines flexibility and reality because entrepreneurship is one of the supporting factors for Indonesia’s economic growth. Our graduates are expected to become entrepreneurs so they can work independently and even create jobs for many people. For this reason, we prepare students to become entrepreneurs through academic and student activities and by building start-up companies.
The Faculty of Arts & Design’s vision focuses on having graduates who have good character. In the world of work, intelligence alone is not enough, one must have virtuous character to be successful in the profession and society. Therefore, students are equipped with soft skills (university values) through various student activities during their studies.